Bibliotherapy with prisoners?
The problem of crime and prison is becoming an increasingly question, and the effects of this lot of discipline and speciality had started to deal with this theme, in order to give assistance to preventing and windup of crime. The root of the current essay is modelled by a professional experience, what I got hold of in the Regional Penalty Institution of Youthfuls in Pécs, where as an expectant librarian I lead on therapy for the prisoners.
Bibliotherapy has got many targets: healing of psychical problems, expansion of personality, developement of self-knowledge, social talents, empathy and tolerance, construction of community and recreation. The principle of bibliotherapy is that reading could help in, can help the reader begin to investigate and explore aspects of themselves, to listen to their peers, to increase their ability to communicate ideas and feelings to men of authority who they thought would never listen to them, and to engage in dialogue in a democratic agent where all ideas are valid.
My conviction is, this method has an increasingly justification in space of profession, social and education. In my essay I tried to set out and present what role could the bibliotherapy have in the services of library on strength of my experiences and non-fiction, and what positive effects could the bibliotherapy have, in my case in an exspecially and closed clime, like the prison.
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