Education, competencies, skills in the field of Information and Library Science in selected European centres

Anna Kawalec


This paper is an analysis of the changes that are taking place in the field of  Information and Library Science in selected European university centres in context of creation the European Higher Education Area.  The aim of research is an analysis of skills, competences and qualifications acquired by students during LIS studies in various European countries. Labour market needs and expectations of employers are also included. 

Following aspects are mentioned: the scope and profile of LIS education, the structure of study programs, learning outcomes, mobility and its advantages for future professional life, education quality assurance, similarities and differences between curriculum and study programs in analysed centres, employer’s expectation about the graduates in LIS, student’s expectation about the LIS curriculums, possible connections of LIS studies with other areas/professions, standards of competences required for LIS professions in mentioned countries. The research for this work consists of three parts: analysis and critique of the literature/sources, discussion (polish and Spanish employers – representative of information, book & library institutions), focus group interview among polish LIS students of  Jagiellonian University.

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