Acquiring sustainable knowledge through student-driven trans-border research projects

Eliane Blumer, Markus Hennies, René Schneider


In our society, where lifelong learning has become the number one criteria for enduring success, sustainable knowledge, on which further learning incomes can be built on, should be the aim of every learner and teaching institution. One method which can be a possibility to enhance the acquirement of sustainable knowledge could be cooperative learning. In this context, and in order to meet the high educational exigencies of modern knowledge-based society, Stuttgart Media University and the Geneva School of Business Administration organize student-driven trans-border research projects. Between two personal meetings, students fulfil the project on distance with an online dashboard as the final result. This way, they shall acquire competences on a multicultural, communicational and technological level. This paper informs, after a small theoretical introduction, about the background, organization and conduction of the joint course and gives first analysis of feedback given by the students concerning advantages and disadvantages of such a trans-border research project.

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