This paper analyzes the way in which libraries are using Web 2.0 tools within catalogs and for what purpose. Traditional functions of library catalogs are changing by supplementing the predominate search/find function with features that enable communication among users. By using Web 2.0 elements the catalog becomes a place of interaction that allows users to submit their own content. The paper introduction of new elements in library catalog enables the sustainability of the system and library as a whole.
The main question that guide our research are: Do public libraries use Web 2.0 tools more than national libraries? Are there differences in the kind of tools with regard to the type of library? What is the basic purpose of the tools used in library catalog? Paper explores the connection between the guidelines for national and public libraries with regard to the use of Web 2.0 tools in their catalogs. The study includes data from 28 countries of European Union, one national library in each country and one public library. Hypothesis is that public libraries use more Web 2.0 tools than the national libraries. It stems from the fact that there is a necessity of the public libraries for greater user flexibility than is the case with the national libraries.
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