Systems Analysis of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) Policies Related to Tanzania Including Risk Analysis, and Performance Measures for Monitoring, and Control

Benedicta Obodoruku



The lack of resources and/or capacity to respond to operational emergencies regarding refugee status and determination of (RSD) operation systems is of great concern to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). UNHCR field offices are consistently confronted with refugee emergencies and/or swift upsurges in asylum applications. Similar situations may transpire both in countries that have been organizing RSD operations and in those countries that do not organize RSD. A precise important part of the RSD Unit response includes offering expertise as well as extra staffing resources needed via field offices in these circumstances. The purpose of this paper is to examine the applications of the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol5 relating to the status of refugees and to carry out system analysis of the utmost admissible concerns in regards to RSD systems in Tanzania. This study applied Peter Checkland’s systems theory and systems thinking methodologies to the refugee problems in Tanzania. The complete application of the 1951 Convention relating to the status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol is dependent on the ability of the UNHCR as well as state parties to react to the abrupt sporadic numbers in regards to new refugee statuses as well as asylum applications via the establishment of fairness, effectiveness, efficiency, and subservient RSD arbitrative formation and processes. According to the results of this study, some of the risk factors associated with the RSD systems are the lack of a unison communication system to link UNHCR and states’ parties among each other as well as to communicate with individual asylum seekers, and for states’ parties to promptly prevent the decrease of asylums seekers. The study concluded that regardless of the foundations of how these tactical decisions formulating job positions are formulated, the entire RSD systems seem to be facing several critical concerns such as: facilitate refugee status, insufficiency regarding adequate resources devoted to RSD systems procedures and to fill in major job positions such as: judicial appeal positions or decision formulating processes positions. There is need for measures for control for RSD operation system such as:enforcement, operation, transparency, and openness.

KEYWORDS: Systems Analysis, UNHCR, Protection Policy

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