Gone with the wind? : Towards a new age of shared scientific contents

María Manuela Maceiras Martínez


Science communication should be understood as an optimized process of bidirectional character based on feedback that influences the increase of R & D + i of an area of knowledge. Encouraging feedback facilitates the process of scientific communication in all its forms, both formal and informal. But changes in patterns of scientific communication, produced by the requirements of the development of e-Science and social networks mean rethinking and propose new methods and systems for the management of scientific and technological information that focus on the rational and sustainable use and help to solve problems such as lack of communication or poor scientific technology transfer, as in the cases presented. It is therefore proposed that since formal scientific communication channels are consolidated in the field of science, this situation should be used to encourage, from this formal context, the use of informal channels, including e-Science as a virtual platform integrated into the Web of Science. Formal channels of scientific communication would also acquire a new role, that of the digital literacy of the scientific community, educating in the use of new mechanisms for sharing and disseminating research results.

Keywords: Scientific communication, e-Science, Sustainable management of information, Digital literacy of the scientific community

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